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Quae ante conditam condendamve urbem poeticis magis decora fabulis quam incorruptis rerum gestarum monumentis traduntur, ea nec adfirmare nec refellere in animo est. Datur haec venia antiquitati ut miscendo humana divinis primordia urbium augustiora faciat; et si cui populo licere oportet consecrare origines suas et ad deos referre auctores, ea belli gloria est populo

Romano ut cum suum conditorisque sui parentem Martem potissimum ferat, tam et hoc gentes humanae patiantur aequo animo quam imperium patiuntur. Sed haec et his similia utcumque animaduersa aut existimata erunt haud in magno equidem ponam discrimine: ad illa mihi pro se quisque acriter intendat animum, quae vita, qui mores fuerint, per quos uiros quibusque artibus domi militiaeque et partum et auctum imperium sit; labente deinde paulatim disciplina velut desidentes primo mores sequatur animo, deinde ut magis magisque lapsi sint, tum ire coeperint praecipites, donec ad haec tempora quibus nec uitia nostra nec remedia pati possumus perventum est. Hoc illud est praecipue in cognitione rerum salubre ac frugiferum, omnis te exempli documenta in inlustri posita monumento intueri; inde tibi tuaeque rei publicae quod imitere capias, inde foedum inceptu foedum exitu quod vites.

DeVilbiss Manufactures low pressure manual and automatic spray guns and related spraying accessories; including air filter reducing valves and regulators, operator breathing systems, spray gun cups and hoses. DeVilbiss is widely recognised for the development and introduction of the first “Compliant” spray guns, which greatly reduce overspray and VOC’s into the environment. The company’s expertise in ergonomics and innovative spray gun design is widely acclaimed.

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Binks manufactures low and high pressure manual and automatic spray guns, accessories, airless and air assisted airless spray painting outfits; high and low pressure fluid handing pumps and regulators, pressure feed tanks, 2K electronic paint mixing machines and paint circulating systems for the industrial finishing and automobile manufacturing markets.

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MS is the acknowledged global leader in the design, and manufacture of manual and automatic electrostatic finishing products. They are leaders in spray finishing solutions to the key industrial and automobile manufacturing markets. Ransburg continues to refine its most efficient electrostatic spray painting technology, delivering a “Class A” finish to each and every customer’s product, whilst reducing VOC emissions and providing excellent atomisation and transfer efficiency.

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Ransburg is the acknowledged global leader in the design, and manufacture of manual and automatic electrostatic finishing products. They are leaders in spray finishing solutions to the key industrial and automobile manufacturing markets. Ransburg continues to refine its most efficient electrostatic spray painting technology, delivering a “Class A” finish to each and every customer’s product, whilst reducing VOC emissions and providing excellent atomisation and transfer efficiency.

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